Sailing the way across the ocean of eternity

This breathing will stabilize you. So we will do it for ten minutes continuously. If you are already quiet in yourself, this will all the more help to make you quieter, deeper, and more in harmony. It will also awaken the Force in you.

So breathe a long breath, deep breath, a strong breath—the longer and deeper it is, the better it is.

I do with you, that adds to the effectiveness. In that way we get connected through our breath; then what is here starts to happen in you.

As you breathe in and out allow yourself to relax, allow yourself to be drawn in, allow yourself to be centered. Continue with the breathing: it will help you to energize and harmonize; it will help you to be centered. It will harmonize your faculties: the body, mind, and Spirit – body-mind with Spirit.

Stay with the breathing with the whole of your attention, with the whole of your being, as you breathe in and breathe out – long, deep and strong breaths.

What it does is, it gathers you up altogether; it makes you total and complete. The whole of your being gets ‘totalized’ – gets complete and gathered in itself.

I have been repeating this breathing method for meditation again and again for this reason, that it is most effective. This is all you need for you to arrive at meditation, for you to arrive at your awakening – an integration of your Being. Breathe in breathe out. Stay with the breathing with the whole of yourself.

You can rest in yourself having let go of the breath, and allow it to move on its own. You are no more helping the breath: you are rested in yourself, you are settled in yourself, you are centered in yourself. You have arrived at a quietness which is the very ground of your Being. And when it reaches to profundity there is silence, deep profound silence – the silence of the Buddha, the silence of Kailas, of Lord Siva.

For ten minutes we will remain in ourselves silently, quietly centered. The breath is on its own while we remain centered in ourselves. If you have arrived at a total quietness even the breath will be quiet. There will be no breath – as if! There may be a long breath by itself spontaneously happening occasionally, and then stop. Then what has happened is that the Force in you has taken over.

From there begins your journey to greater and greater freedom, greater and greater liberation; and endless enlightenment, unfolding Reality, increasing joy and bliss, and the integration of yourself – all the various levels of the consciousness. You become whole and complete – immanent and transcendent all at once!

We will go back to the breathing again for ten minutes. Breathe long, breathe deep, breathe strong enough that you can hear it, that it energizes you at the same time and brings you to an alertness. It will bring things up in you: allow them to come up and pass away. You step aside as it were, while remaining completely with the breathing. There is no other concern.

Breathe a full breath and when you empty out; empty out completely while you watch over the breath, while you are with the breath completely. Breathe in, breathe out.

It is very healthy for both body and mind. This breathing will start to make things happen in you. It is a special intervention in your ordinary existence. This breathing is your life!

(After a while): Whenever you are ready, you can then let go of your breath and let it happen on its own, again resting in yourself, centered in yourself, being completely with yourself in the quietness of your being, in the silence of your self.

(A long silence)

Again we go back to the breath: breathe in, breathe out – ten minutes. Of course you can continue for a longer spell. I leave that to your initiative, your requirement, your need, how helpful it is to yourself. Be with the breathing completely as you breathe in, breathe out – there is no other concern. It will harmonize your being; then the effectiveness of the Force is so much more, it will bring you to your awakening.

Who knows, today may be your day!!!

This moment can be yours. In reality every moment is waiting for you. (In a light vein): Of course I am sure if the moment finds you, you will not forget us!

Take a long breath, a deep breath. It is your life, a very special life.  Breathe in, breathe out, a long deep strong breath. When you fill up, the belly will fill up, the chest will come out, and the shoulders will rise. And when you breathe out the shoulders will go down, the belly and the chest will go in. Your body is participating in your meditation, your breath is participating in your meditation – and the mind will follow. The mind is usually the last one, it takes a while. That is the nature of the mind. The mind is an incorrigible child of the Heavenly Father…

A deep and strong breath – it will straighten you out, inside and outside. It is an intoxication. You will get drunk, drunk with bliss. And it will fill your whole being: every pore in your body will start to breathe in this way. That brings rejuvenation of the whole of your being – even so of the body.


(After a spell of breathing, Fiamma begins to sing.  It is a song for Kamniya’s birthday.)


One day more, one year more

How far you’ve walked

How further you will go

May you find joy, may you find peace

Dear Kamniya I know that you will reach

To the sky above, to the earth below

May your path be full of beauty and love

Away, may you sail away

Across the ocean of Eternity


Fiamma, instead of ‘sailing away’, let it be ‘sailing the way’? Because ‘sailing away’ gives the impression she is going away to go to heaven and leave us all behind!!  (Everyone laughs)  Of course she can always look back and see us down here on the earth!!!

In a way you are traveling in time but at the same time you are everywhere in the timeless! ‘Sailing away’ is like ‘gate gate’, arriving at Nirvana, and then going away, leaving the earth behind.  But ‘sailing the way across the ocean of eternity’ means while you are traveling through time, yet in the timelessness of eternity you are everywhere – even so on the earth while you are reaching out to heaven. And while you are out there in the heaven you are also rooted in the earth.

Otherwise she might get ideas of leaving us all behind and disappearing into heaven – us creatures of the earth, you see! You have to be very careful of these heavenly figures… They are always ready to fly away and leave us earthly creatures behind!!  So you have to be very careful (laughing) what you sing! Although of course even to me sometime it is a temptation!  Immediately I see high snow – peaked mountains float in front of me…

If we had the words then we could all join in, then it adds to the energy. This is why I was telling Kamaal the other day to put together all the songs in a songbook and make copies – even I could do with one – so we can all join and put in our energy whenever the songs happen.

So yet, while we reach to heaven we are still holding on to the earth, and while still holding on to the earth we are at the same time extending ourselves to heaven, so that we may have the joys of heaven and at the same time the sweetness of the earth…

Of course it was only a suggestion, you are the composer. You have every right to have it your way. And that is also part of the way whether it be away or the way… And of course Kamniya might intervene, for sometime she might prefer to be away… because of Kamaal’s earthly ways!!!

(To F.) Can we sing it again? You are getting to be quite a composer… I had told Priya to suggest to you to compose a new song because this ‘happy birthday’ is a terrible song! I wanted depth. So you did very well: you reached into the heavens and brought it forth. So also you can do the same with romantic songs. There is a region for romance where songs come from…

F: It is better if I do not get into this…

Why, do you not want the earth? The earth is romantic! That is why I was saying; do not sail away so quickly – in spite of Kamaal’s earthly ways, where romance has no chance!!! These are hard facts I accept, but then when you accept someone you have to accept the whole baggage.

Pb: And he has a lot of baggage!

And the thing is, he litters his baggage everywhere! But he can motivate you to reach to heaven – it has its positive side. Many have run away like this, you see? For you the expression would change; otherwise they say ‘behind every great man there is a woman’. For you it would be ‘behind every great woman there is a man’!


One day more, one year more

How far you’ve walked

How further you will go

May you find joy, may you find peace

Dear Kamniya I know that you will reach

To the sky above, to the earth below

May your path be full of beauty and love

The way, may you sail the way

Across the ocean of Eternity


So what I mean by making the change from ‘away’ to ‘the way’ was that even though you locate yourself, move from one point to another in time you are yet timeless.

For example you are in the ocean, you are in a boat, you are moving from one point of the ocean to another, you are traveling – and yet you are in the ocean all the time. The ocean represents eternity, timelessness. Though you locate yourself in various points within the ocean, you are never outside the ocean.  So you have time as well as the timeless, a sense of timelessness as well as a sense of time, of life in Eternity, timeless manifestation: Heaven and Earth both in your hands. Earth is time and Heaven the Timeless Eternity

Say if you were to sail from India to America then you leave India behind, you reach America, if you see it only in terms of fixing yourself in that one location alone. But both India and America are in that ocean of eternity, so that we can travel back and forth. Every time India gets a little hot, travel to America! Every time America gets a little cold, come back to India. You have so much freedom!

So what I mean is, do not be in such a hurry to escape to heaven! What I mean is, have your cake and eat it too!!  Have your heaven and so also your earth!!! That is a very beautiful English phrase which means a lot! It is exactly what I am saying.  Have the beauty of life as well as the joy of Him!

The cake and the ice-cream – (whispering) the cream and the chocolate… And some brandy thrown in for good measure! (Laughing) Sheer ecstasy…!!

(To Kamniya) See, the flower is opening up – we will have to give it to you! It was closed and it is opening now, just watching it…  That is the unfolding of the Reality. (G gives K. the whole flower pot) So we will not take it out from there. You can carry it with you, so it continues to open…



Arya Vihar

29 March 2000

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