Standard Breath Meditation (4)


We’ll do the breathing.

Strong and vigorous breathing to lighten up.


When you feel the lightness

Follow up with the rhythmic breathing –

One nostril, then the other and then alternate.


Long breath, longer the better.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Long breath,

The longer the better.

Thoughts come up,

Allow them to pass,

They are no concern of yours.

Through the breathing to center yourself –

Arrive at a quietness in yourself.

Through being quiet reach to meditation.


Stay with the breathing.

Keep your back straight, lifted,

Chest slightly out, head upright,

And yet relaxed in body and mind.

Allow yourself to settle in,

Through the help of the breathing.

Thoughts come up –

Whatever that comes up,

Allow them to pass –

They are no concern of yours.


Breathe in, breathe out.

Fill up completely,

Empty out completely.

From the belly to the belly.


Keep to the breathing.

Through the breathing –

To arrive at a quietness in yourself,

Inner quietness.

Reach to meditation.


Stay with the breathing,

Stay with yourself.


Keep to the breathing,

Through the breathing,

Keep to yourself.

Thoughts come up,

Whatever that comes up,

Allow them to pass,

They are no concern of yours.

Through the breathing be centered in yourself.


Breathe in, breathe out.

Fill up completely,

Empty out completely.

Rhythm of your breath,

Rhythm of your soul.

Nothing else should concern you.

Through the breathing to be centered in yourself.

Our Force will continue to work in you.


Stay centered in yourself.

There is no other concern.

Our Force will continue to work in you.


Arya Vihar Ashram

10 April 2008

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