Jagriti Meditation (Nada)

We will begin with Jagriti Meditation,
beginning with the first center
working upwards to the top of the head
and above into the skies,
into the heavens as high as you can go.
Three minutes each center,
beginning with the first center, Muladhar,
the root support
between the anus and the genitalia.

Take a deep breath,
long, strong breath each time before you do the sounding,
sounding of omkar.
The sound is OM,
remember, not any other sound.
It is the primal sound
and therefore we reach into the primal force
that is now asleep within oneself,
to awaken the primal force through the primal sound.

So we will begin with the first center,
see it as a lotus flower opening out
it is a worship unto yourself, unto God.
We will begin,
take a long, deep breath after you empty out completely,
it will give force to your sounding.
Direct the sound all the way down to the center
there to open and awaken.

(Om chanting )

Feel the center through the sounding,
feel the sound reaching,
going all the way down.
Follow the sound,
feel the sound all the way down to the center
and there to vibrate.
Sound the center.

(Om chanting )

Feel the center,
be centered in the center through the sounding.

(Om chanting )

Empty out the breath each time at the end of the sounding.
Fill up again just before the sounding.

(Om chanting )

A, U, M, makes for OM and that is the primal sound.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up to the second center, Svadisthana,
at the root of your genitalia.
Deep in the center,
strong breathing, strong sounding.
Three minutes,
see it as a lotus flower opening out.
It is a worship unto yourself, unto God.

Empty out of breath completely,
fill up completely,
so it gives force to your sounding.

( Om chanting )

The sound is OM
It is the OM that has to be sounded.

Now we move up to the third center,
the navel, Manipura.
Deep in the center,
strong breathing, strong sounding.
Three minutes,
see it as a lotus flower opening out.
It is a worship unto yourself, unto God.
Strong breathing, strong sounding.

( Om chanting )

Feel the center through the sounding,
be centered in the center through the sounding.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up to the heart center, Anahatta,
middle of the chest,
deep in the center.
Three minutes.
See it as a lotus flower opening out.
Strong breathing,
strong sounding,
Deep in the heart center.
it is a worship unto yourself,
unto God.

( Om chanting )

Feel the center through the sounding.

( Om chanting )

It has to be the sound of OM.
That is the primal sound.
All other sounds come from this primal sound.
All of creation has come from this primal sound.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up to the fifth center,
the throat, Vishuddha center,
deep in the throat center.
Strong breathing,
strong sounding.
Three minutes,
see it as a lotus flower opening out.
It is a worship unto yourself, unto God.

Empty out of breath completely,
fill up completely,
so that you have force in your sounding.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up to the sixth center,
between the eyebrows,
Ajna center,
center of vision,
deep in the center.
Three minutes.
Strong breathing,
strong sounding.
See it as a lotus flower opening out.
It is a worship unto yourself, unto God.

Let the sound rise upwards to the center,
there to open and awaken.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up to the top of the head,
the seventh center, Sahasrar.
Let the sound vibrate in the top of the head,
deep in the center.
Three minutes.
See it as a lotus flower opening out.
It is a worship unto yourself, unto God.

( Om chanting )

Now we move up above the head to the skies,
into the heavens,
as high as you can go.
Strong breathing,
strong sounding.
Three minutes.
Feel yourself lifted upwards,
into the skies,
even so physically.
Feel the openness, the wideness,
the vastness of the skies above your head.
Feel for grace,
feel for light.
Feel the silence above your head.
Strong breathing,
strong sounding.

( Om chanting )

Now five minutes in silence,
centered in the skies,
in the heavens above your head,
as high as you can be in the heavens.
Breathe into and out from the skies,
long, deep, strong breathing.
Feel the skies through the breathing.
Continue to feel yourself lifted upwards into the skies.
Feel for grace,
feel for light.
Feel the silence.
Feel the openness, the wideness,
the vastness of the skies above your head.
Long, deep, strong breathing.
If thoughts come up,
whatever that comes up,
allow them to pass.
They are no concern of yours.
Centered in the skies,
in the heavens above your head,
and nowhere else,
as you breathe into and out from the skies,
long, deep, strong breathing.


You can feel the force in the spine,
in the back, in the chest.
You feel the pressure in the head.
You stay centered in the skies,
as we continue to move the force.

Long, deep, strong breathing.
Stay centered in the skies above your head.
Feel the openness, wideness,
the vastness of the skies above your head.


Long, deep, strong breathing,
breathing into and out from the skies,
from the heavens above your head.
feel for grace.

Now we descend down into the heart center,
once again, for five minutes in silence.
Breathe into and out from the heart center,
long, deep, strong breathing.
Feel the grace descending with you,
filling your heart,
filling you with light.
Middle of the chest,
deep in the heart center,
enter deep into your heart,
through the help of the breathing,
long, deep, strong breathing.
Breathe into and out from the heart center.
You feel the working of the force,
as we continue to move it.
You are centered in yourself,
you are at peace with yourself.
You are centered deep in your heart.

Stay centered in the heart center.
You are at peace with yourself,
you are centered in yourself.
You are totally relaxed.
You will feel the intoxication
if you have managed to center yourself.
Through being centered you are in meditation.

Whatever that comes up,
allow it to pass,
they are no concern of yours.

We will stop here for this morning.

Arya Vihar Ashram
22 April 2006

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