Gayatri meditation (feel for the presence of God)

Do the breathing, quick breathing – vigorous breathing, followed by rhythmic breathing.


Quick breathing – vigorous breathing – until you feel the lightness. This is the energizer.


Now follow it up with the rhythmic breathing.

Long, deep and strong breaths…should be able to hear it – then your attention will stay with it. And the longer the breath the better it is.  This is the harmoniser.


(10 minutes)


It will center you, draw you in – bring you to a stop in yourself. Through the stop, reach into your hearts. To reach into the heart is to feel for the presence of God. As you breathe deeply, feel deeply for the presence of God. That is when it becomes active, alive and conscious.


Long breath – as you breathe deep – feel, feel deeply for the presence of God. Deep in your heart can be felt this presence and that is what is meant by awakening to the light.


Feel for the force of God in your hearts. The breathing is the means, the vehicle to keep you conscious to carry you into your hearts. Through it – through the breathing –  you can feel deep into your hearts for the presence of God.


And therefore stay with the breathing, be consciously present through the breathing, feel deeply into your hearts.

When you breathe out, empty out completely, when you breathe in, breathe in deep, reach deep into your hearts through the breathing. Feel the breath deeply and through feeling the breath deeply, feel deeply for the presence of God.


There is a force in you, the force of God, feel for it so that it may awaken to light the whole of your being.


As you breathe out, you empty out, you empty out – of yourself. As you breathe in, breathe in deep that you may fill yourself with the presence of God.


Stay with the breathing and not with the thoughts. Thoughts come up – allow them to pass, stand behind, keep letting them go – you can even help them along consciously to pass out, stay with the breathing. Through the breathing, reach into your hearts. Consciously feel for the presence of God as you breathe in deep into yourself. And as you empty out, be empty of yourself.

We will chant the Gayatri once again. Take a deep breath each time before you chant, stay with the chant throughout. If thoughts come up, allow them to pass, standing behind, stay with the chant.


Om Bhur Bhuvaha Svaha

Om Tat Sat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat


May the glorious light of Savitri, Godly light, illumine the whole of our being – awaken to light the whole of our Self – this is a prayer.


May the glorious light of Savitri, Godly light, illumine the whole of our being – awaken to light the whole of our Self – this is a prayer.


(10 minutes of chanting)


Go back to yourself and to the breathing, to reach into yourselves, to reach for the presence of God in your hearts. Feel the breath as you breathe in deep, through feeling your breath reach into your hearts and feel for the presence of God. When you empty out, empty out completely your breath and so also of yourself. When you breathe in, breathe in deep and feel for the presence of God.


This form of meditation is the Gayatri meditation.


Stay with the breathing to reach into your hearts. If thoughts come up allow them to pass, stand behind. They are no concern of yours. Stay with the breathing and through the breathing reach into yourselves. Through the breathing as you feel the breathing, awaken your heart – feel deeply the presence of God in your heart – the light that lives in your heart, the force of God that lives in your heart – feel for the presence.


Stay with the breathing and not with the thoughts. If thoughts appear allow them to pass, stand behind, stay with the breathing. Watch over the breath as you breathe in and breathe out. Through the breath reach into yourselves, deep into yourselves. Feel for the depth.


Turn your gaze inward as you feel for your depth as you reach into your hearts.


We will chant again, the Gayatri. Take a deep breath each time before you chant. Stay

with the chant, throughout.


Om Bhur Bhuvaha Svaha

Om Tat Sat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat


May the glorious light of Savitri, Godly light, illumine the whole of our being – awaken to light the whole of our Self – this is a prayer.


May the glorious light of Savitri, Godly light, illumine the whole of our being – awaken to light the whole of our Self – this is a prayer.


(10 minutes of chanting)


Go back to yourself and to the breathing so you can be centered, be stopped in yourself. Arrive at being present in yourself. Through the breathing, through the stop, through being present, reach into your hearts, reach into yourself. Feel for the presence of God.


Follow the breath deep into your being. Feel the presence of God through feeling deeply the breath. When you empty out, empty out completely. The presence remains, feel for it. When you breathe out, you empty out completely; when you breathe in – you breathe deep, long breath – strong breath. Through breathing deeply reach into your hearts, feel for the presence of God. When you breathe out, empty out – the presence remains.


Be consciously present through the breathing; be consciously present in feeling for the presence of God.


If thoughts appear allow them to pass, stand behind, stay with the breathing.


And through the breathing – in yourself, with yourself feel for the presence of God.


Arya Vihar

29 November 2001

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