From observing the breath to awareness of the observer and the quiet within
Begin with Vigorous Breathing to lighten up and energize,
And Rhythmic Breathing to draw yourself in and harmonize.
You are observing the breath.
Of course to be relaxed is very important,
To be at home, to feel at home is important.
You can consciously begin to relax in the body.
Then observe the breath very lightly –
Pay attention to only the breath,
In a very relaxed manner.
You are at ease when you are doing this,
You are going to be relaxed in the body and the mind.
You can consciously do so as you observe the breath.
Because if you cannot relax,
It creates tension in the body and the mind.
You are observing the breath.
It is not a struggle,
Be at ease with yourself.
If there is any interference by the mind –
But if you are relaxed,
It shall not be such a bother.
You are still observing the breath.
Of course you are very relaxed,
You can consciously relax yourself.
Observe it in a very relaxed manner.
You have to observe it in a manner,
As if you have all the time in the world,
‘You are sitting by the beach, watching the waves rise and pass away…’
You are still observing the breath,
And you are still relaxed.
Are we still with the breath?
We are observing the breath in a very relaxed way.
We are at home –
This place is no stranger to us.
Very lightly you are observing the breath.
That is all that you need to do –
Just observing the breath.
And you are relaxed.
You are relaxed in the body,
You are relaxed in the mind,
Just as you would be when you are at home.
If you feel yourself tiring,
Just relax, allow yourself to relax.
You can stop observing for a while,
And just relax consciously.
When you are relaxed –
You can go back to observing the breath.
There should be no tension in observing the breath.
You are just observing very lightly,
Just as if you would be observing a flower in a garden.
We are still observing the breath.
From this position of observing the breath,
Can you come to an awareness of the observer?
You are relaxed, there is no struggle.
You have been observing the breath,
And you continue to observe the breath.
Now from this position,
Can you gradually become aware of yourself as the observer?
You are still relaxed.
The only examination to pass is –
You must be relaxed.
There is the breath; there is the observation of the breath,
And if you can come to the awareness of the observer observing the breath –
You are at ease, relaxed, comfortable.
Physically, mentally – you are at home.
If you have managed to be aware of the observer,
You can now shift your attention from the breath,
To the quietness within yourself.
Turn it inwards.
You are resting within yourself,
And you are aware of yourself.
You are resting within yourself.
You are at ease with yourself.
You were observing the breath before,
You come now to an awareness of yourself as the observer.
And you give a twist to your attention and turn it inwards,
Coming to a rest within yourself.
There is quietness – Deep quietness.
Stay with it – stay with yourself.
There is the Observer,
And there is the Quiet Within.
February 1995